I was curious to see if I could get this working and also how long it would take to compile mplayer on the XO 1.5. Not the most critical of endeavors, but I haven’t even had these two units for 24 hours, so it’s not like I’ve wasted a bunch of time. I installed libdvdcss… Read more Retail DVD Playback with mplayer on XO 1.5
Month: August 2010
Fedora 11 Non-Free Stuff
If you can’t find it after installing the RPM Fusion repos… rpm -ivh http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-stable.noarch.rpm rpm -ivh http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-stable.noarch.rpm You might be able to find it here: http://dl.atrpms.net/f11-i386/atrpms/stable/
Unboxing and Physical Differences
Visually, there’s not much to distinguish the original XO from the XO 1.5. In all the pictures below, the original XO is on the left and the XO 1.5 is on the right. The XO 1.5 is packaged identically to the original XO. Same box, same “egg crate” cardboard cushion, the battery in a plastic… Read more Unboxing and Physical Differences
XO 1.5 Hardware Information and Updating
The XO 1.5 arrived here with build 201. Right now, the latest build is 206. I downloaded the files and updated the XO 1.5 per the instructions here: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Release_notes/10.1.1 Flashing it took about 10 minutes, versus the old XO’s typical 5 minutes. That’s to be expected, however, given the amount of storage is about quadruple.… Read more XO 1.5 Hardware Information and Updating
XO 1.5 Units on the Way
I got a tracking number and a couple of XO 1.5 units are on the way. Here’s my request, with identifying information redacted.1. Project Title & Shipment Detail Name of Project: Birmingham XO Evaluation and Development Shipping Address: Anna Number of XO 1.5 units requested to borrow: 2 Loan Length: 9-12 months 2. Team Participants… Read more XO 1.5 Units on the Way
EPIC and Glen Iris Visit Today
Met the “Media Specialist” (that’s what librarians are called nowadays) at EPIC elementary. Very nice lady and really sharp. Glen Iris is right across the street, so I popped in to pick up an XO that needs looking at. Of course, there were other things they needed to help with! I’m always happy to help… Read more EPIC and Glen Iris Visit Today
Birmingham XO Stuff
We’ll be blogging about technical matters surrounding the XOs.