I don’t know if I could call myself a climate change refugee, but a big part of why I quit my job in Dallas to move back to Birmingham was the intolerably hot summers. I know Birmingham is the Deep South and it’s relatively hot in the summers here. July is typically the hottest month.… Read more July reminds me why I fled Dallas
Month: July 2018
What libraries mean to me
Of course I’m referring to several libraries. The paper library in my house and my ebook library on my server. And the public libraries I’ve always depended on. When I was a kid, in Sylacauga. In college, the University of Alabama. Then Dallas and now here in Birmingham. Before the internet, when I was unsure… Read more What libraries mean to me
Reminiscing about pwning
Long work weekend, it always is. But I baked cookies in between fixing servers! Relevant XKCD reminded me of a funny I did several years ago. https://xkcd.com/341/ Back around 2007-2010, I did a lot of testing for the XS Schoolserver for the OLPC XOs. I usually didn’t bother with wifi encryption since I was constantly… Read more Reminiscing about pwning
Comment Spam Poetry
I get so much comment spam on this blog. I was cleaning it out tonight and some phrases struck me as modern poetry. It’s probably a Markov chain generating this, of course. But copy/pasting some phrases look like modern poetry, with some very minor edits. Don’t wear seat belts lest you drown in you own… Read more Comment Spam Poetry