I’ve been playing with my new LuxCal calendar and tried to import an ics file that had emoji in it. Oops, the db is utf8, so I needed to convert it to utf8mb4 to support emoji. I ran this in the SQL box in phpMyAdmin on the db: SET collation_connection = ‘utf8mb4_unicode_ci’;ALTER DATABASE radioshack_luxcal CHARACTER… Read more LuxCal Emoji Support
Month: August 2023
Wearing the exact same thing every day
Years ago, I was tired of the mental load of rifling through my closet and agonizing what to wear. Different clothes in different sizes and some stuff fit better than others as my weight fluctuates or what time of the month it is. I inevitably end up with “favorite” garments and thus don’t feel as… Read more Wearing the exact same thing every day