New Food Truck in my Neighborhood

I’ve been eagerly anticipating the opening of this new Food Truck, it’s about a block away from my house in the Wilson’s parking lot. Called "Bogan’s Bites and Beats," it’s supposed to be Aussie themed, but I don’t know how many folks here would appreciate Vegemite, I don’t particularly care for it myself.

Out of Pocket

Lately I’ve been noticing that the kids nowadays have been saying “out of pocket” to mean someone’s doing something abruptly inappropriate or offensive. And I’m here thinking, why is this usage so different from the idiom as I know it? I’m always on the side that any native English speaker is correct for idioms and… Read more Out of Pocket

Just read books

Many years ago, there was something of a “moral panic” that kids were only reading Goosebumps books by R.L. Stine. You know what? Those are good, well written books and entertaining stories that got kids to read. Kids ate them up, which is wonderful. Sure they’re easy and entertaining, but it just makes reading more… Read more Just read books

Direct Admin Backup Exclusion

I store a bunch of Linux ISOs on my server to keep handy. [root@miss ~]# du -sh /home/radioshack/domains/ /home/radioshack/domains/ But I don’t want all that included in the backup file. I added this and restarted directadmin: [root@miss ~]# grep exclude /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.confallow_backup_exclude_path=1 Set up the backup exclude file: [root@miss ~]# cat /home/radioshack/.backup_exclude_pathsdomains/ And that worked to… Read more Direct Admin Backup Exclusion

LuxCal Emoji Support

I’ve been playing with my new LuxCal calendar and tried to import an ics file that had emoji in it. Oops, the db is utf8, so I needed to convert it to utf8mb4 to support emoji. I ran this in the SQL box in phpMyAdmin on the db: SET collation_connection = ‘utf8mb4_unicode_ci’;ALTER DATABASE radioshack_luxcal CHARACTER… Read more LuxCal Emoji Support

Block outgoing email for a Direct Admin user

cPanel has a mechanism to completely suspend outgoing email for an account, which is useful when there’s a bunch of spamming going on. Particularly contact form spam when the admin of a site can’t or won’t disable or secure the form. — root@host [~]# whmapi1 suspend_outgoing_email user=spamalot metadata: command: suspend_outgoing_email reason: OK result: 1 version:… Read more Block outgoing email for a Direct Admin user